
An ultra-rapid drying, highly polymer modified, patching and smoothing compound

Kelmore’s Feather is an ultra-rapid drying, highly polymer modified, patching and smoothing compound designed to smooth floors prior to installing resilient floor coverings. Able to be applied from a feather edge up to 3mm thick and ensuring excellent adhesion, Kelmore Feather can be used to smooth out any surface imperfections on cement:sand screeds, concrete, levelling and smoothing compounds, and calcium sulphate screeds. Possessing exceptional flexibility, Kelmore Feather seamlessly fills and smooths board joints and fixing points in plywood. Providing an extremely smooth surface finish, this ultra-rapid drying product allows floor coverings to be applied after just 15 minutes.
Classification (EN 13813)CT-C16-F6
Pack Size11kg
Application ThicknessFeather edge to 3mm
Working time10 minutes
Walk on15 minutes
Fit resilient floor coverings after15 minutes


An ultra-rapid drying, highly polymer modified, patching and smoothing compound

Kelmore’s Feather is an ultra-rapid drying, highly polymer modified, patching and smoothing compound designed to smooth floors prior to installing resilient floor coverings. Able to be applied from a feather edge up to 3mm thick and ensuring excellent adhesion, Kelmore Feather can be used to smooth out any surface imperfections on cement:sand screeds, concrete, levelling and smoothing compounds, and calcium sulphate screeds. Possessing exceptional flexibility, Kelmore Feather seamlessly fills and smooths board joints and fixing points in plywood. Providing an extremely smooth surface finish, this ultra-rapid drying product allows floor coverings to be applied after just 15 minutes.

Additional information

Weight 50 kg
Dimensions 45 × 54 × 43 cm

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